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根据隐私法规,个人数据将由 Molteni&C S.p.A. 按照数据保护政策进行处理。用户可以随时行使其权利并撤回任何已经给予的同意,也可以通过发送电子邮件至 privacy@molteni.it 来进行操作。
我已阅读 Molteni&C. - S.p.A. 提供的个人数据处理说明信息
to the processing of my personal data to receive marketing communications (by automated and traditional means) from MOLTENI & C. - S.p.A., as described in point B) of the Privacy Policy
to the processing of my personal data for profiling purposes and to analyse consumption habits and choices, as described in point C) of the Privacy Policy
to my personal data being transferred to Molteni Group companies as indicated in point D) of the Privacy Policy

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