
Elisa Ossino

Elisa Ossino


“Pantalica is an art design collection conceived as an environment of strong connection and immersion with nature, in which archetypal forms reminiscent of archaic sculpture blend with circular economy practices, in an interplay that emphasizes the consonances and formal accents between the simple and linear geometries of each piece”

Elisa Ossino

Ossino 的设计将形而上学的研究与超现实主义相结合,主要采用简洁的线条和优雅的几何图形,打造具有场景效果和氛围感的立体实物。此外,Elisa Ossino Studio 工作室钟情于手工艺固有的价值及其造就独特成品的能力,并在循环经济原则的启发下进行严谨的材质试验。Ossino 在意大利和国际上屡获殊荣,包括红点奖最佳设计奖、ADI 意大利金圆规奖荣誉奖、德国 iF 设计奖和 Elle Décor 意大利最佳室内设计奖等。

“Each piece is a natural sculpture, vibrant and pure, inspired by the timeless fascination with primitivism and its reinterpretation in a contemporary key, and, at the same time, is part of a spatial concept dropped into a deeply irenic and meditative atmosphere, which alludes to the circularity of time and a dimension placed outside a linear scanning of events.”

Molteni&C专区Elisa Ossino


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