Teorema wins the Wallpaper* Design Award 2018

We are proud to announce that for the second year in a row we are the winners of a Wallpaper* Design Award. Teorema chest of drawers design Ron Gilad won in the Best twist action category.
We are proud to announce that for the second year in a row we are the winners of a Wallpaper* Design Award. Teorema chest of drawers design Ron Gilad won in the Best twist action category.
Francesco Meda marks his debut as a designer for Molteni&C with Woody, a chair featuring flowing lines that invite you to sit down and enjoy agreeable conversation with friends around a sumptuously laid table.
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Ron Gilad先生于1972年出生在以色列的特拉维夫。 Ron Gilad先生在纽约度过几年的生活后,目前在特拉维夫和米兰开展自己的工作。 由他创建的一些混合对象将具体的才华和审美变换融合在了一起,在抽象和功能性的边界上游走。 当被问及他与MOLTENI&C公司的合作时,Ron Gilad先生首先回答是自己应该做设计师的工作还是凸显出自己最真实的人格。 找到这个问题的答案之后,他就将自己更抽象的艺术理念和工业的贸易机制方面联系在了一起,将设计转换成巧妙的产品。
Ron Gilad