杭州意大利设计日 - Molteni&C|Dada 奉上《爱乔·庞蒂》

杭州设计日之际,Molteni&C | Dada与MDFF合作为公众奉上电影纪录片《爱乔·庞蒂》,这部电影为意大利外交部推动的综合推广项目,旨在全球促进和推广意大利设计的卓越性与独特性。
杭州设计日之际,Molteni&C | Dada与MDFF合作为公众奉上电影纪录片《爱乔·庞蒂》,这部电影为意大利外交部推动的综合推广项目,旨在全球促进和推广意大利设计的卓越性与独特性。
“The city of the future, the quality of life and new frontiers of living” are the significant themes of Italian Design Day 2019. The 2019 edition aims to highlight the capacity of Italian design to improve the quality of life in urban centres. Italian Design Day 2019 will therefore present ideas, projects and solutions to stir an international debate on the cities of the future to be used as the point of reference also in view of Expo 2020 Dubai and of the 22nd International Exhibition of the Triennale di Milano, for which MoltenC is also technical sponsor .
“Amare Gio Ponti”
by Francesca Molteni in partnership with Salvatore Licitra | Gio Ponti Archives
A portrait of Gio Ponti the man and the architect, aspiring painter, promotor ante litteram of Italian design who, in a career spanning more than fifty years, experimented tirelessly with everything – arts, crafts, objects, architecture and materials – from the small to the large, from designing a handle to creating a town planning scheme.