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Molteni Minds:专访系列

为纪念我司成立 90 周年,特此推出《Molteni Minds》独家专访系列,采访了成就品牌辉煌的建筑及设计界领军人物。探索最新专访并了解 Vincent Van Duysen、Yabu Pushelberg、Michael Anastassiades 等人的想法。

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2024系列: La grandeur contemporanea" 可以翻译为 "现代的伟大。




Molteni&C 室内系列将不同学科和不同时代的多位设计师视角相结合,以整体家居概念为基础,打造出和谐的搭配。


2024 年户外系列简介




Molteni&C 厨房系列是一系列有弹性可定制的解决方案,由 Dada Engeneered 设计。







古罗马住宅的时尚转身。在两层楼中分布了超过 2000 平方米。由创意总监 Vincent Van Duysen 设计的住宅,庭院、柱廊、公共和私人房间构成了室内外新产品的大背景。




展厅 04 | 展位 A07 B06 A03 B02


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the Exclusive Preview
New Collection 2024

  • 条款和条件
  • 根据隐私法规,个人数据将由 Molteni&C S.p.A. 按照数据保护政策进行处理。用户可以随时行使其权利并撤回任何已经给予的同意,也可以通过发送电子邮件至 privacy@molteni.it 来进行操作。
  • 我已阅读 Molteni&C. - S.p.A. 提供的个人数据处理说明信息
    • to the processing of my personal data to receive marketing communications (by automated and traditional means) from MOLTENI & C. - S.p.A., as described in point B) of the Privacy Policy
    • to the processing of my personal data for profiling purposes and to analyse consumption habits and choices, as described in point C) of the Privacy Policy

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PRIVACY POLICY – Registration to events

Information document pursuant to Art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Art. 130 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 196/2003

According to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), we provide you with the following information regarding the processing of the personal data that you will provide us in our event registration of processing of your personal data, which you will provide us with in the form dedicated to the registration of participants to the events organized by Molteni&C., as well as to the events organized by our partners in which Molteni&C. participates (it is understood that this information applies when Molteni&C. acts as Data Controller). This notice, dedicated to those who wish to register, through our site, to our events, is integrated with the privacy policy for navigation on the website. With specific reference to the purpose of direct marketing through electronic means, this information is also intended for legal persons, in accordance with the provisions of Directive 2002/58/EC (e-Privacy Directive) as transposed into Italian law within the Italian Legislative Decree no. 196/2003.

1. DATA CONTROLLER Molteni & C S.p.A. , with registered office in Rossini 50 - Giussano (MB), duly represented by its legal representative. You can reach the Data Controller at the following contacts: T +39 0362 3591 - F +39 0362 354448 - email address: privacy@molteni.it


Personal Data: any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”); An identifiable natural person is one who “can directly or indirectly be identified, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, a location data, an online identifier or to one or more specific factors to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity” (article 4 par. 1.1 GDPR).
In particular, we will process your following personal data: Data indicated in the registration form on the site (e.g. name, surname, e-mail address). The data necessary for registration will be indicated as “required”.


A) Registration to the event through the dedicated form. Performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract.
Art. 6 par. 1, lett. b) GDPR
Until to 12 months after the event Necessary to allow registration and participation in the event.
Failure to provide Your data will prevent you from registering for the event and therefore not to participate in.
B) Direct marketing, i.e. direct sale of products and services, market research, sending of communications and promotional, commercial and advertising material or relating to initiatives and events through automated means (e-mail / newsletter, SMS messages or through social networks and sponsorships) and traditional means (paper mail). Communications may contain third parties’ promotional activities and/or third parties’ logo(s) (our partners belong to the following sectors: no profit; agriculture, forestry and fishing; manufacturing; suppliers of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning; construction; wholesale and retail; repair of motor vehicle and warehousing; accommodation and food services; information and communication activities; financial and insurance activities; real estate activities; professional, scientific and technical activities; rental, travel agencies, support services to businesses; public administration; instruction; artistic, sports, entertainment activities; other service activies).
For the complete list of the abovementioned third parties, please contact Molteni at privacy@molteni.it . We will not share any personal data with third parties for this purpose of processing.
The Data Controller, in order to compare and eventually implement the results of communications, uses systems to send newsletters and promotional communications with reports. Through these reports, the Data Controller may eventually know, for instance: number of readers, openings, unique "clickers" and clicks; the devices and operating system used to read the communication; details concerning the activity of single users; details of emails sent, received and forwarded; All these Data are used in order to compare and eventually implement the results of communications.
You will be subject to the aforesaid direct marketing activities only with your prior consent.
Your consent (art. 6, par 1 letter a GDPR – Recitals 42 and 43 GDPR).
Until consent withdrawal | opt-out (by contacting us as described in par. 7 of this Privacy Policy) Optional and free. Failing this, you can still register and therefore participate to the event.
C) Profiling: your personal data will be stored in our CRM/platforms for internal analysis. We will also cluster personal data in homogeneous groups according to your data and preferences in order to ensure a better organization of Molteni’s services and for sending you tailored promotional communications. We will proceed with profiling activities if you allow us to do so by giving your express consent.
Your consent (art. 6, par 1 letter a GDPR – Recitals 42 and 43 GDPR).
Until consent withdrawal | opt-out (by contacting us as described in par. 7 of this Privacy Policy) Optional and free. Failing this, you can still register and therefore participate to the event.
D) Transfer of personal data to other companies part of the Molteni Group (parent companies, subsidiaries, associated companies and affiliates of Molteni S.p.A.) for their own direct marketing purposes. For more details on the identity of such recipient, please contact Molteni at privacy@molteni.it. The processing is based on consent to the processing of personal data; (C42, C43)
art. 6 par. 1 letter A) of the GDPR
Until revocation of consent.
Please also refer to the information for the processing of personal data of any company of the Molteni Group, acting as an independent data controller
Optional and free. Failing this, you can still register and therefore participate to the event.
E) Transfer of personal data to our event’s partners for their own direct marketing purposes. For more details on the identity of such recipients, please contact Molteni at privacy@molteni.it or visit the website dedicated to the event (if present) The processing is based on consent to the processing of personal data; (C42, C43)
art. 6 par. 1 letter A) of the GDPR
Until revocation of consent.
Please also refer to the information for the processing of personal data of each partner, acting as an independent data controller
Optional and free. Failing this, you can still register and therefore participate to the event.


We share your personal information with employees and/or staff acting under the Data Controller’s authority (duly instructed for the former purposes, also according to article 29 GDPR), as well as third parties contractually linked to Molteni, in order to fulfill contractual obligations and achieve one or more of the aforesaid purposes of processing. In particular, we disclose personal information to the following categories of recipients: - other companies part of the Molteni Group (parent companies, subsidiaries, associated companies and affiliates of Molteni S.p.A.) (only upon your consent, as indicated under purpose D of this privacy policy); - partners of the event (only upon your consent, as indicated under purpose E of this privacy policy); - subjects providing services concerning information system management and communication networks management (including e-mail, web platforms, cloud and software); - offices or companies in the context of assistance and consultancy relationships; - social networks; - relevant authorities in order to comply with legal obligations and/or provisions of public bodies, upon request. The abovementioned recipients could act as Data Processor (appointed pursuant to art. 28 GDPR) or as independent Data Controller(s). The complete list of the recipients is regularly updated and available upon request at the contact details indicated paragraph 1. of this Privacy Policy.


Personal data provided will not transferred outside the European Economic Area (EEA).


Personal data will be subjected to paper, traditional manual, electronic and automated processing. It should be noted that, with reference to the profiling activity, it will be carried out through the intervention of an operator who, with the consent of the data subject, will process his/her data for the purpose of internal analysis and to divide them into homogeneous groups for specific characteristics (e.g. profession and origin), for better management of services and for sending tailored promotional communications.
We do not take any decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling since our profiling activity will take place - upon data subject’s consent - with the intervention of a human operator.


You have the right, at any time, to obtain from Molteni the access to your personal data (article 15 GDPR), request their rectification (article 16 GDPR), their erasure (article 17 GDPR) or restriction of their processing (article 18 GDPR). Furthermore, you have the right to object anytime to your personal data processing (article 21 GDPR), as well as the right not to be subject to automated processing, including profiling, without your prior consent (article 22 GDPR) voluntarily provided. Finally, you have the right to data portability, if applicable (article 20 GDPR). Furthermore, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Italian Data Protection Authority (https://www.garanteprivacy.it/) , or to take legal action according to art. 78 and 79 GDPR.
To withdraw consent to non-automated profiling, it will be sufficient to write an e-mail at any time to the address privacy@molteni.it with the subject “no profiling”.
To stop receiving automated direct marketing (e.g. by e-mail) you can write an e-mail at any time to the address privacy@molteni.it with the subject "unsubscribe from automated direct marketing" or use our automatic unsubscribe systems (only for email) and you will no longer be disturbed. To stop receiving traditional direct marketing (e.g. paper mail) you can write an e-mail at any time to the address privacy@molteni.it with the subject "unsubscribe from traditional direct marketing".


We may revise this privacy policy from time to time. We will notify you of changes by posting the effective date of the latest version here below or at the top of this privacy policy.

Effective date: October 20th, 2021

Molteni & C. S.p.A.

celebrating 130 years of Gio Ponti

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  • 条款和条件
  • 根据隐私法规,个人数据将由 Molteni&C S.p.A. 按照数据保护政策进行处理。用户可以随时行使其权利并撤回任何已经给予的同意,也可以通过发送电子邮件至 privacy@molteni.it 来进行操作。
  • 我已阅读 Molteni&C. - S.p.A. 提供的个人数据处理说明信息
    • to the processing of my personal data to receive marketing communications (by automated and traditional means) from MOLTENI & C. - S.p.A., as described in point B) of the Privacy Policy
    • to the processing of my personal data for profiling purposes and to analyse consumption habits and choices, as described in point C) of the Privacy Policy

There has been a problem submitting your form. Probably a connection error. Could you please try and submit it again?

带星号 *的空格是必填项

Thank you for your registration.

PRIVACY POLICY – Registration to events

Information document pursuant to Art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Art. 130 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 196/2003

According to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), we provide you with the following information regarding the processing of the personal data that you will provide us in our event registration of processing of your personal data, which you will provide us with in the form dedicated to the registration of participants to the events organized by Molteni&C., as well as to the events organized by our partners in which Molteni&C. participates (it is understood that this information applies when Molteni&C. acts as Data Controller). This notice, dedicated to those who wish to register, through our site, to our events, is integrated with the privacy policy for navigation on the website. With specific reference to the purpose of direct marketing through electronic means, this information is also intended for legal persons, in accordance with the provisions of Directive 2002/58/EC (e-Privacy Directive) as transposed into Italian law within the Italian Legislative Decree no. 196/2003.

1. DATA CONTROLLER Molteni & C S.p.A. , with registered office in Rossini 50 - Giussano (MB), duly represented by its legal representative. You can reach the Data Controller at the following contacts: T +39 0362 3591 - F +39 0362 354448 - email address: privacy@molteni.it


Personal Data: any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”); An identifiable natural person is one who “can directly or indirectly be identified, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, a location data, an online identifier or to one or more specific factors to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity” (article 4 par. 1.1 GDPR).
In particular, we will process your following personal data: Data indicated in the registration form on the site (e.g. name, surname, e-mail address). The data necessary for registration will be indicated as “required”.


A) Registration to the event through the dedicated form. Performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract.
Art. 6 par. 1, lett. b) GDPR
Until to 12 months after the event Necessary to allow registration and participation in the event.
Failure to provide Your data will prevent you from registering for the event and therefore not to participate in.
B) Direct marketing, i.e. direct sale of products and services, market research, sending of communications and promotional, commercial and advertising material or relating to initiatives and events through automated means (e-mail / newsletter, SMS messages or through social networks and sponsorships) and traditional means (paper mail). Communications may contain third parties’ promotional activities and/or third parties’ logo(s) (our partners belong to the following sectors: no profit; agriculture, forestry and fishing; manufacturing; suppliers of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning; construction; wholesale and retail; repair of motor vehicle and warehousing; accommodation and food services; information and communication activities; financial and insurance activities; real estate activities; professional, scientific and technical activities; rental, travel agencies, support services to businesses; public administration; instruction; artistic, sports, entertainment activities; other service activies).
For the complete list of the abovementioned third parties, please contact Molteni at privacy@molteni.it . We will not share any personal data with third parties for this purpose of processing.
The Data Controller, in order to compare and eventually implement the results of communications, uses systems to send newsletters and promotional communications with reports. Through these reports, the Data Controller may eventually know, for instance: number of readers, openings, unique "clickers" and clicks; the devices and operating system used to read the communication; details concerning the activity of single users; details of emails sent, received and forwarded; All these Data are used in order to compare and eventually implement the results of communications.
You will be subject to the aforesaid direct marketing activities only with your prior consent.
Your consent (art. 6, par 1 letter a GDPR – Recitals 42 and 43 GDPR).
Until consent withdrawal | opt-out (by contacting us as described in par. 7 of this Privacy Policy) Optional and free. Failing this, you can still register and therefore participate to the event.
C) Profiling: your personal data will be stored in our CRM/platforms for internal analysis. We will also cluster personal data in homogeneous groups according to your data and preferences in order to ensure a better organization of Molteni’s services and for sending you tailored promotional communications. We will proceed with profiling activities if you allow us to do so by giving your express consent.
Your consent (art. 6, par 1 letter a GDPR – Recitals 42 and 43 GDPR).
Until consent withdrawal | opt-out (by contacting us as described in par. 7 of this Privacy Policy) Optional and free. Failing this, you can still register and therefore participate to the event.
D) Transfer of personal data to other companies part of the Molteni Group (parent companies, subsidiaries, associated companies and affiliates of Molteni S.p.A.) for their own direct marketing purposes. For more details on the identity of such recipient, please contact Molteni at privacy@molteni.it. The processing is based on consent to the processing of personal data; (C42, C43)
art. 6 par. 1 letter A) of the GDPR
Until revocation of consent.
Please also refer to the information for the processing of personal data of any company of the Molteni Group, acting as an independent data controller
Optional and free. Failing this, you can still register and therefore participate to the event.
E) Transfer of personal data to our event’s partners for their own direct marketing purposes. For more details on the identity of such recipients, please contact Molteni at privacy@molteni.it or visit the website dedicated to the event (if present) The processing is based on consent to the processing of personal data; (C42, C43)
art. 6 par. 1 letter A) of the GDPR
Until revocation of consent.
Please also refer to the information for the processing of personal data of each partner, acting as an independent data controller
Optional and free. Failing this, you can still register and therefore participate to the event.


We share your personal information with employees and/or staff acting under the Data Controller’s authority (duly instructed for the former purposes, also according to article 29 GDPR), as well as third parties contractually linked to Molteni, in order to fulfill contractual obligations and achieve one or more of the aforesaid purposes of processing. In particular, we disclose personal information to the following categories of recipients: - other companies part of the Molteni Group (parent companies, subsidiaries, associated companies and affiliates of Molteni S.p.A.) (only upon your consent, as indicated under purpose D of this privacy policy); - partners of the event (only upon your consent, as indicated under purpose E of this privacy policy); - subjects providing services concerning information system management and communication networks management (including e-mail, web platforms, cloud and software); - offices or companies in the context of assistance and consultancy relationships; - social networks; - relevant authorities in order to comply with legal obligations and/or provisions of public bodies, upon request. The abovementioned recipients could act as Data Processor (appointed pursuant to art. 28 GDPR) or as independent Data Controller(s). The complete list of the recipients is regularly updated and available upon request at the contact details indicated paragraph 1. of this Privacy Policy.


Personal data provided will not transferred outside the European Economic Area (EEA).


Personal data will be subjected to paper, traditional manual, electronic and automated processing. It should be noted that, with reference to the profiling activity, it will be carried out through the intervention of an operator who, with the consent of the data subject, will process his/her data for the purpose of internal analysis and to divide them into homogeneous groups for specific characteristics (e.g. profession and origin), for better management of services and for sending tailored promotional communications.
We do not take any decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling since our profiling activity will take place - upon data subject’s consent - with the intervention of a human operator.


You have the right, at any time, to obtain from Molteni the access to your personal data (article 15 GDPR), request their rectification (article 16 GDPR), their erasure (article 17 GDPR) or restriction of their processing (article 18 GDPR). Furthermore, you have the right to object anytime to your personal data processing (article 21 GDPR), as well as the right not to be subject to automated processing, including profiling, without your prior consent (article 22 GDPR) voluntarily provided. Finally, you have the right to data portability, if applicable (article 20 GDPR). Furthermore, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Italian Data Protection Authority (https://www.garanteprivacy.it/) , or to take legal action according to art. 78 and 79 GDPR.
To withdraw consent to non-automated profiling, it will be sufficient to write an e-mail at any time to the address privacy@molteni.it with the subject “no profiling”.
To stop receiving automated direct marketing (e.g. by e-mail) you can write an e-mail at any time to the address privacy@molteni.it with the subject "unsubscribe from automated direct marketing" or use our automatic unsubscribe systems (only for email) and you will no longer be disturbed. To stop receiving traditional direct marketing (e.g. paper mail) you can write an e-mail at any time to the address privacy@molteni.it with the subject "unsubscribe from traditional direct marketing".


We may revise this privacy policy from time to time. We will notify you of changes by posting the effective date of the latest version here below or at the top of this privacy policy.

Effective date: October 20th, 2021

Molteni & C. S.p.A.


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