Oz sofa-bed

On the occasion of Maison & Objet, 20-24 January 2012 Molteni&C is pleased to present in the Molteni&C Dada Flagship Store the sofa-bed Oz design Nicola Gallizia. This February sees the arrival also in the UK of Oz, Molteni&C’s innovative new sofa-bed. Paris Molteni&C Dada Flagship Store 6, Rue des Saints Pères 75007 Paris T 01 42 60 29 42 www.moltenidada.fr Opening hours Monday-Saturday 10am-7pm Sunday, January 22, 11am-6pm London Molteni&C Dada Flagship Store 199 Shaftesbury Avenue London, WC2H 8JR T 020 7631 2345 www.moltenidada.co.uk Opening hours Monday to Friday: 10am-6pm with Thursdays until 8pm Saturday: 10am-5pm