Molteni&C summer events 2012

Gio Ponti Molteni&C focuses its attention once again on the masters of architecture and design with a project involving remakes of furniture and furnishings designed by renowned 20th century maestro Gio Ponti. The Molteni&C. collection was realized with the art direction of Studio Cerri&Associati, after lengthy research and examination of the prototypes, thanks to an exclusive agreement with Ponti’s heirs. It includes furniture and interior decoration items for private homes or small series. Together with the product collection the exhibition “Vivere alla Ponti: houses inhabited by Gio Ponti. Experiments in domestic life and architecture for living and working“ produced by the Milan’s Ordine degli Architetti. (Venice, London). Venice 27 August - 28 September exhibition “Vivere Alla Ponti“, Palazzo Corner Spinelli guest of Rubelli, San Marco 3877, Venice. Opening hours: Monday-Friday 10.00-18.00 Tuesday August 28 talk “Gio Ponti, l’arte si innamora dell’industria. Progetti dagli Archivi“ Palazzo Corner Spinelli guest of Rubelli, San Marco 3877, Venezia. From 18.00 London 14-23 September exhibition “Vivere alla Ponti“ Victoria & Albert Museum - Sackler Centre. Cromwell Road London SW 7RL Opening hours: 10.00-17.45 all days, Friday till 22.00 Wednesday September 19 Collection presentation, Molteni&C Flagship Store, 199 Shaftsbury Avenue, London WC2H 8JR From 18.30 Thursday September 20 talk “The intimate World of Gio Ponti“, Victoria & Albert Museum - Sackler Centre, Cromwell Road London SW 7RL From 10.00 Helsinki 6-16 September “Helsinki Design Week” Collection presentation, Blomer OY Neitsytpolu 5, 00140 Helsinki Opening hours: 10.00-18.00 Valencia 18-22 September Collection presentation, Vicente Navarro, C/ Cirillo Amorò 83-85 Valencia. Opening hours: 9.30-14.00 17.00-20.00; Sutarday 11.00-14.00 Luxembourg September 20 Collection presentation, Mobilier Bonn 9, Rue Philippe II 2340 Luxembourg Opening hours: 10.00-18.00 Aldo Rossi Paris June 19 - September 10 Exhibition “La Tendenza”, Centre Pompidou Musée National d’Art Moderne. Starting from June 19 Paris will be paying tribute to twenty years of Italian architecture with an exhibition entitled “La Tendenza. Architectures italiennes 1965-1985”. Once again, the Pompidou Centre explores the centrality of a movement – which began in Italy and became international – and of its leading exponents, first and foremost Aldo Rossi.Thanks to the collection that the Museum has been building over the years, the retrospective presents over 250 drawings, maquettes, photographs, pictures, films and literature on the founding movement of post-war architecture, later to be known as postmodernism. Opening hours: 11.00-20.00 Venice June 30 - November 25 exhibition “I Teatri di Aldo Rossi“ - Fondazione Vedova at the Magazzini del Sale. Teatro del Mondo returns to the Venetian Lagoon. This time as a model re-built on a large scale, to take it back to where it landed, during the 1979-1980 Biennale Teatro, then to cross the sea again to Dubrovnik in Croatia. This is how Venice’s Fondazione Emilio e Annabianca Vedova celebrates Aldo Rossi’s love and obsession for theatre. An exhibition that brings together for the first time fifteen of the Milanese architect’s designs dating from the early Sixties to 1997: they include 120 architectural sketches and studies, studio and competition models, drawings, props, from architectural projects designed and built, to scenery for operas and ballets, right through to spectacular stage designs. Theatres that saw Molteni&C working alongside Aldo Rossi to accomplish highly ambitious projects, from the wooden casing to the real solid cypress model of part of the Palladiana basilica for the Sala Nuova of the Gran Teatro la Fenice, a model on display in the exhibition, to the seats of the Teatro Carlo Felice. “Aldo Rossi. Teatri” is on view from 30 June until 25 November 2012 at the Magazzini del Sale, Dorsoduro 266, 30123 Venice. Opening hours: 10.30-18.00 Tuesday closed 13. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura della Biennale di Venezia - Common Ground Venice 29 August - 25 November 2012 "FACECITY", curated by Fulvio Irace. A meditation around the concept of city (Milan) as result of a common work. Protagonist is the building façade, seen as the main contributor to the urban landscape in dialogue with modernity. The exhibition is composed by 25 black and white photographs, shot by photographer Pino Musi for the Biennale di Architettura, titled “Facecity Scroll. Milano 2012”. Molteni&C is technical sponsor of the exhibition. Giardini-Padiglione Italia. Orario 10.00-18.00