Living Ponti-style

The “home of Milanese architects” will be opening its doors during the 2012 Salone del Mobile with an exhibition entitled “Vivere alla Ponti. [Living Ponti-style]. The houses inhabited by Gio Ponti. Experiments in domestic living and architecture for living and working”, curated by Francesca Molteni and Franco Raggi, in partnership with Salvatore Licitra/Gio Ponti Archives. A tribute to the great 20th century maestro and his designs for the home, to his obsession for detail and his still relevant vision of modernity, coinciding with the re-makes of Gio Ponti furnishings on show at the Molteni&C Flagship Store at no.2 Corso Europa in Milan. His designs for home and office interiors re-live in videos, archive photographs and drawings, some of which hitherto unpublished, made over a lifetime. A story at once intimate and professional, inside the Ponti family's Milanese homes - in via Randaccio, in via Brin, and then in via Dezza – but also in the Ponti Studio, amidst drafting machines, the editorial staff of Domus and friends such as Bruno Munari. Gathering fragments of his life, putting together the various strands of his stories. And winding up with his first designs for the workplace, among the desks of Palazzo Montecatini in Milan, in the better-known offices of the Pirelli building and in the company of Vembi-Burroughs' “1950s young ladies”. Places designed for the people that live there, for the happiness of their children, for the comfort of the office staff and for the efficiency of their work. Places in which architecture, interiors and furnishings blend harmoniously, designed for “Living Ponti-style”. "Vivere alla Ponti: le case abitate da Gio Ponti. Esperimenti di vita domestica e architetture per l'abitare e il lavoro". Ordine degli Architetti di Milano – Via Solferino 17/19 17-22 April h. 10.00-20.00 23 April - 04 May h. 10.00-13.00 15.00-18.00 18 April Inauguration h. 18.00. Guest speakers: Salvatore Licitra, Alessandro Mendini, Francesca Molteni and Nanda Vigo. Moderator: Franco Raggi.